Saturday, September 25, 2010

What’s new in my closet

My dad always took me shopping whenever he visits me at school (yay). With my school's proximity to one of the best outlet mall in the country, it is natural that we always visit San Marcos during our wild shopping trips. And so today was no exception.

The stores we always go:

Neiman Marcus Last Call (where I got the most fabulous pair of Chloe sunglasses today)

United Colors of Benetton

J.Crew (LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! And I found the most amazing necklace here today. They were also having quite a sale. Most regular priced items were 50% off and all sale items were additionally 30% off. I also found this dusty orange printed silk shirt for $15 that was originally priced for $70! What a steal!)

The Gap (OMG, don't even get me started with the Gap. First off, the Gap's factory stores always look like a battle zone. I don't know if they do that intentionally so everyone thinks there is a crazy sale going on or if there are just too many shoppers there and not enough employees to clean up after them – probably a little bit of both. I mean, seriously, why bother cleaning up when the store's disastrous state of non-orderliness doesn't seem to stop shoppers from entering? Allocating the employees to the register seemed much more productive, meaningful, and efficient (not necessarily in this order though). Anyhow, I was able to get a graham shirt for spanking $6 that was originally priced at $35! Wow wow wow. And it looks awesome! I also found a pair of sweeeet military green chinos for $9 that was originally priced at $40.)



Gymboree (for my 3-year-old little sis)

Abercrombie and Fitch

Ok, so there are like a million stores there and my list is like not even close to a sliver of the pie. But those are my ultimate shopping destinations. Well, if you know me. J.Crew is all I need ;).

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